Facebook has opted you in to their "Instant Personalization" program which allows select partners to personalize their features with YOUR public information. Your public information is categorized as anything you have made visible to "everyone", or if you haven't touched your privacy settings this amounts to pretty much anything you put on Facebook as well as your publicly available information. Such information includes your Name, Profile Picture, Gender, Current City, Networks, Friend List and Pages.
If you have adjusted your Facebook privacy settings then good for you, you are a step ahead of the game, If you haven't then you need to get into the Privacy Settings within Facebook and start making it harder for people you don't know to get your information. I know what you're saying, there really isn't anything on Facebook that someone can do bad things with, but information is power. The more information a bad guy has about you the easier it makes it for him to steal your identity, your money, you name it.....and good luck getting that mess cleaned up.
Thanks to Jack Mannino for pointing this out and Mubix for re-tweeting it...