Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Metasploit Framework 3.3 Released!

"We are excited to announce the immediate availability of version 3.3 of the Metasploit Framework. This release includes 446 exploits, 216 auxiliary modules, and hundreds of payloads, including an in-memory VNC service and the Meterpreter. In addition, the Windows payloads now support NX, DEP, IPv6, and the Windows 7 platform. More than 180 bugs were fixed since last year’s release of version 3.2, making this one of the more well-tested releases yet.

Metasploit runs on all modern operating systems, including Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, and most flavors of BSD. Metasploit has been used on a wide range of hardware platforms, from massive Unix mainframes to the Apple® iPhone™. Installers are available for the Windows and Linux platforms, bundling all dependencies into a single package for ease of installation. The latest version of the Metasploit Framework, as well as images, video demonstrations, documentation and installation instructions for many platforms, can be found online at"

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