Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hyper Social Craziness Continues.....Why Social Sites Can Be A Very Bad Thing.

As if we needed another example of why this social-networking-sharing-everything-you-have craze is a bad thing, up pops this story from The Register about a little information sharing site called Blippy.  The premise of Blippy is to find out what your friends are buying by registering and Blippy shows your "friends" what you bought on your credit card.....You can already see where this is heading right?  So do you really want to give your credit card to someone else online?  Do you really trust people that much?

Inevitably, because of a process that was still ingrained in Blippy's site from the beta-testing days, 4 user's CREDIT CARD numbers were publicly searchable via a simple Google search.  This is the kind of thing that can get a CSO fired or in Blippy's case, get around to hiring one. 

So what is it about us that makes us want to share every little detail about ourselves and our lives with everyone, even random strangers?  What makes people so trusting to think that there isn't someone just waiting to take whatever they can from you?  After all the stories about stolen identities and phishing scams you would think people would start to listen and take notice.....But that may be to much to ask for.

Full Story Here.....